Surfacing, preventing and mediating discriminations through sport
Surfacing, preventing and mediating discriminations through sport
Surfacing, preventing and mediating discriminations through sport
Surfacing, preventing and mediating discriminations through sport
SENTRY Sport project aims to develop a common methodology for the surfacing, prevention and mitigation of the discriminatory phenomenon in the places of sport and beyond, based on the role grassroots sport can play in tackling discriminations and support victims.
Provide useful IT tools for networking, sharing of materials and good practices
Establish and run a broad thematic network of actors interested or potentially interested in applying or promoting the methodology
Build capacities and develop tools to support victims of discrimination in the sport venues
Test, adapt and validate a transferable methodology via Pilot Events in different European towns
Disseminate project results and advocate the issue to policy makers
Creation of a web platform for sharing good practices and materials and to provide e-learning
Creation of a Network of key actors
Creation of a Toolkit for the sharing of good practices and the acquisition of the knowledge basis
Creation of a Capacity Building Programme
Organizanisation of series of Pilot Events to test, refine and adapt the starting methodology to make it transferable in every context
Realization of an handbook to implement the methodology
Creation of a set of policy recommendations to the institutional level to endorse the methodology
Design, diffusion and endorsement of the "SENTRY Sport" systemic approach to tackle and prevent discriminations and to support victims by developing a system of territorial "Sentries" rooted it in the places of sport.
The SENTRY Sport project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the author (UISP), and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.